Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Empty Apartment

Katie told me I shouldn't rush out here when I'd have to wait for my stuff. She was right. (See how good I am at that?) Today wasn't too big a deal, cuz there was a little running around to do, but I have a feeling a couple or few more days of it are going to be pretty bad news. I gotta call the movers tomorrow and see when my stuff is getting here. Hopefully before the weekend. I said I was gonna put up pics of the apartment, but they don't look any good, so maybe I'll put some up when there's some furniture or a cute blonde in them.

Luckily... the giant lifesaver is... someone in my building has unsecure wireless! I would be pulling my hair out right now without being able to at least surf (and of course tell all our loyal readers -- thanks jeff -- how things are going). Anyway, I guess that's about it for today. Maybe someday something will happen. I do have to go to the post office tomorrow; maybe that'll be some hijinks.


Anonymous said...

My first blog shout-out! NICE!! (I'm all about the self-promotion.)

Anonymous said...

I feel like I need to get my name in these comments so I can have an official blog shout-out! Maybe if I say something controversial I'll get a shout-out....


How 'bout: "I hope you enjoyed watching SportsCenter before you left Indiana, Scott, because now that you're moving in with a chick it'll be all Oxygen, TLC, HGTV and Oprah!"

Ahh, Oprah.

Anonymous said...

Ha! Girlz can't play sports!

Ah, manliness. Tee hee.