Saturday, June 9, 2007

Day at the Zoo

We just got back from a trip to the Sedgwick County Zoo. We rolled out of bed bright and early this morning and headed down to Wichita with our friends Daniel and Kim and their daughter Allie. I haven't been to a lot of zoos, but I always thought the Indianapolis Zoo was nice and this was easily as nice, if not nicer. The zoo was divided up into each of the continents and had some really cool design and decor to add to the feel of each continent. They also had a lot of animals and some good food.

Anyway, I took a barrel of pictures, but here's a selection of the finer ones:


Unknown said...

Katie really did look much happier most of the trip, she was just bummed that she did not have the wingspan of a stork. It was a great day. Thanks for going.

Katie said...

I know I smiled for that picture. I think it was photographer error. You're right, Daniel, I was a little disappointed to just miss being a Bald Eagle and end up as a vulture instead. Hmmm...there is a joke in there somewhere.