I'd just like to comment on some television, since that's what I've been doing a lot of.
First off, Lost is awesome. It seems like it gets better every week. It's nice to know that it has an end point now, but I can't wait to see the season finale. I can't believe that Ben shot Locke right when I was starting to like him again.
Second, I don't know if any of you watch it or not... but The Unit is a pretty solid show too. It's a good week to week show, but the season finale was last week, and they had a heck of a cliffhanger. It's going to be a long summer waiting to see what comes out of it.
As far as 24 goes, I bailed on it. It was ok, but I totally don't miss it. So I guess that was a good decision. I heard from someone yesterday where the story went, and it sounds a little outrageous anyway.
Also, even though it's been over for a while, Prison Break ended pretty wild. I can't wait to see how all the alliances change and they get these guys out of the Panamanian Prison. Man that place looked scary!
Another wildcard in the whole picture... Planet Earth on Discovery HD Theater. If you don't have HD, Discovery HD Theater is a good enough reason to get it, and Planet Earth is the best use of HD footage in HD history. The BBC took cameras all over the Earth for five years and then spun it into about 11 episodes of nothing but money shots and footage of things "never filmed before." Check it out sometime.
Prison Break could just be the greatest show ever, but I must Lost is right up there with it. I would have to add "The Office" to my list, that show cracks me up every time.
Lost: Awesome.
Planet Earth: Awesome.
I can't say I've ever seen Prison Break, 24 or The Unit.
However, I will add to this list. I got hooked on this season of Deadliest Catch, and it was also awesome. And, I ditto the Spazz... the Office is always quality, laugh-out-loud television.
Yeah, I definitely DVR The Office. I guess I left that out because I was in drama mode. I may have to attack comedies in another post. I've been slipping lately anyway, and apparently I don't have help anymore.
Oh, oh...I love Deadliest Catch. I have been hooked ever since they ran a marathon a year ago or so. That's on my DVR list. Scott aslo forgot Girls Next Door. *sigh*
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