Sunday, May 6, 2007

Storm Sirens

We're reporting live from our half-bathroom during a siren filled evening in Hutchinson. The storm is barrelling through central Kansas and heading northeast. The wind is picking up and the rain is coming down.

Actually... the storm is already past. The power never went out. The whole thing was pretty lame. Apparently there was a touchdown somewhere around town, or they wouldn't have set off the sirens. We didn't see much of anything besides a dark cloud or two. So we sat in the bathroom for about 7 minutes getting bored and then came back out and turned everything back on. Good times.


Anonymous said...

There's nothing like a romantic 7 minutes in the bathroom together to really bring a spark to the relationship!

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should start scheduling regular evenings together in the bathroom. And be sure to post plenty more pics on your blog — they're fascinating!

Anonymous said...

I now think I know of one place worse than Munice Indiana, who would have guessed there was such a place....