Monday, April 9, 2007


Happy belated Easter to everyone. We spent the weekend in Iowa with Katie's family. It was about a 6 hour drive up there, straight into the wind... which sucked the gas like you couldn't believe. We got there Friday night in time for dinner, and then spent Saturday morning doing some shopping in Sioux City.

Later that evening, I attended my first Catholic mass, which was pretty interesting. That's a pretty good way to make yourself feel uncomfortable. But now, I've banked a couple hours of church, and I've been soaked with flying holy water, so I'm feeling pretty good about myself. Let's just hope I didn't inadvertently get myself kicked out of my own church. Not that they'd miss me I'm sure.

Sunday we drove to Katie's aunt's house and I got to meet lots of her mom's family and have a great lunch. I also got to watch her cousins wrestle and do gymnastics, and I got to watch a little bit of the Cubs game. Then we embarked on the drive home, getting back to Hutch at about 10pm, just in time to go to bed and get up for work. Pretty solid weekend. Maybe you'll get her side of the story if you beg or something.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Iowa, ahhhh...the sunshine state. I hear it is gorgeous this time of year!